yaaah sekarang gue bener2 udah berkuliah di Institut Teknologi Bandung, dan sedang beradaptasi -_- internet di kosan gak bisaaa, kuliah padet berasa sekolah lagi (sialan!)
but i'm try to enjoy it, even it's hard for me huhuhuhu :""""""(
well, di kosan gue ketemu sm temen smp gue lagi (asiiik) insi namanyaa, hehehe dulu sekelas waktu kelas satu :)
and i'm totally miss my Fasih Huda, 14 August 2010 it's our anniversary!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY SWEET HEART, 2 years and 8 month, i believe we will always be together, and this is my Jamal (jaket almamater and another photos in kosan) hehehe